In my opinion it's so difficult to decide who is the best exponent in Psychology. I believe that each indivual knows who is the best for its, and also each of the figures of this area are an expert in its individual field. However, everybody has a favourite author or exponent. In my case I have several authors that capture my atention, among them: Moreno, Foucault and Freud. Sincerely I don't consider they're the best on this area, however I think each one has an interesting point of view, but I don't prefer no one in particular. I prefer to combinate all of his ideas on mi mind and form a new point of view on my own, because I love the arts, the theatre specially, for that reason I recover the Moreno's ideas to mix them with the critical approach of society of Foucault, and besides with the psycologychal clasifications and structures of Freud. In spite of everything, Im not sure what I'm going to do with my career and my toughts, however I'm sure of one thing: I never going to follow blindly anyone !!!! because I'm going to be the best in my area!!!! :)